
An exception to the "Narrow Focus" rule.

I try to keep posts to this blog focused on apologetics and matters of faith, but from time to time, something happens in the world that must be commented on. Forgive me for these departures, but I have found one so foolish that it must be mentioned (HT: SkyePuppy).
I imagine that the 2008 Olympics will introduce "men's/women's individual freestyle litigation" and "tag team lawsuit" as fully sanctioned events, given the current climate of "sue first, lest ye be sued thyself (2Hezitations 5:1)" across our nation. This article augments all of the Robert Fulghum-isms I grew up loving in a truly sad manner. All I Ever Need to Know, I Learned In Kindergarten may require a 15.1 edition adding "Lawyers will suck the fun out of anything good and holy".
I may contact my merchandiser and order in bulk signs that read "No Playing Allowed" to be posted for the protection of our progeny... Give me a break. John Eldredge, God's heart will be broken by a generation of boys with scarless skin, unscathed by that evil swingset, no? Where's Erwin McManus raging out loud when we need him?!


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